Corsican Circuit 2017 - Internal Rules

Article 1 : The « Corsica Chess Club » organizes the  « 21u Corsican Circuit » from Saturday the 21th of october to Sunday the 29th of october at the Theatre of Bastia and at the Congress Palace of Aiaccio for the final.
Article 2 : The final will be held in Ajaccio on Sunday the 29th of October 2017. It will benefit from open basic comments, without the relay of headphones, for the use of the beginners.

The « 21u Corsican Circuit » is composed of 3 tournaments :
1. « Open Oscaro » for players with a rating over 2000 elo. The tournament is awarded with 50 000€.
This tournament qualifies the best 16 players. These 16 players will then play a cup wich is a 15min + 3s/move two games match. If it is a draw, then there will be a two games blitz tie-break (5min + 3s) and if necessary, an Armageddon blitz (5 minutes for Whites and 4 min for Blacks).
The parings is accordind to Fide elo. If several players have the same elo then the order will be the one of the list published by FIDE.
2. « Open Fusella » for players with a rating below 2100 elo.
The pairings are in Swiss Integral System according to the Fide elo. The tournament is awarded with 8 000€.

3. " Blitz Coca-Cola". The Thuesday 24 th at 10am . The Blitz is played in 9 ronds. The rate of play is 3 min + 2 Fischer. The tournament is awarded with 5 000€.
Article 3 :

The opens are played in 9 ronds. The rate of play is 90min + 30s/move.
The rate of play of the the « Corsica Masters Oscaro » cup final stage is 15min + 3s/move.
Article 4 : Draws by mutual agreement are forbidden. (decision of the Corsican League General Assembly in  September 2003)             
Article 5 : Game Schedules
The opens
Saturday 21th Opening ceremony,
Rond1 : 15h30
Sunday 22th Rond 2 : 10 am
Rond 3 : 5 pm 
Monday 23 th Rond 4 : 10 am
Rond 5 : 5 pm
Thuesday 24 th Blitz "Coca- Cola": 10 am
Rond 6 : 5 pm 
Wenesday 25 th Rond 7 : 10 am
Rond 8 : 5 pm 
Thursday 26 th Rond 9 : 10 am
« Corsica Masters Oscaro » (Phase coupe)
Thursday 26 th 1/8 final : 4 pm
Friday 27th 1/4 final : 2 pm
1/2 final : 5 pm
Aiacciu - Sunday 29th Final first game : 2 pm
Final return : 5 pm
                    Prizes ceremony :
Thursday 26 th  at 5 pm : Prizes ceremony of the opens.
Friday 27th at 5.30 pm : Prizes ceremony of the « Corsica Masters Oscaro » cup final stage.
Sunday 29th 5.30 pm : Prizes ceremony of the « Corsica Masters Oscaro » final.
Article 6 : Registration fees :

                  Adult player : 30€     Young player : 15€      MF/MI/MIF/GMF/GMI free 
                  Registration and license control: Saturday the 21th from 12 pm to 14:30 pm. The registration fee can be paid locally
                  Purchase prizes allocation: In annex.

Article 7 : The tie-break is as following:

1.Performance ; 2.Buchholz minus 2 ; 3. Cumulative.
Article 8 :

- A player arriving more than 30 minutes late loses his game (unless the arbiter decides otherwise)
- The phones must be turned off. A phone switched on loses the game.
- The "gaming room" includes "gaming zone" + "toilets" + "smoking area" + "space drink". The player having to play his move is not allowed to leave the "gaming zone" without the permission of the referee.
- Analyses are not allowed in the "gaming room."
- Any incorrect behavior, including externally or on the accommodation sites may be sanctioned.
  A correct clothing is required at the site of the tournament.
- A forfeited player (having not informed the arbiter) is considered to have abandoned the tournament.
- Reporting unjustified dropouts to the DNA for French players and to the federations concerned for foreign players.
- The organizers reserve themself the right to refuse the registration of players being reported in other competitions by their unsporting behavior.

Article 9 :

Chief Arbiter : Akkhavanh Vilaisarn, IA
Deputy Arbiters: Jean-Philippe Orsoni, AF2 / Marie-Noelle Stolfi AF4/ Gérald Murcia AF4/ Marc Bernardin AF4/ Any other person designated by the arbiter to assist him occasionally.
Article 10 :

The reference Internal Rules is the one written in French. The organizer reserves the right to modify these rules, if necessary, for the smooth running of the tournament. All participants agree to respect this Internal Rules.

Annex : Distribution of prizes

Necessary presence of the awarded players. An absence may result in the loss of the prize for the player. Prices can not be combined.

Le Dimanche 9 Octobre 2016 | Lu 2844 fois

Dimanche 9 Octobre 2016

Lega Corsa di Scacchi
2, rue Commandant Lherminier
20200 Bastia
Tel. : 04 95 31 59 15
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